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Executive Board designates 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife”

Executive Board designates 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwives.
30 January 2019, Geneva – The Executive Board, today, designated the year 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and midwife”, in honor of the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale.
This proposal will now be presented to Member States of the 72nd World Health Assembly for consideration and endorsement.
The year 2020 is significant for WHO in the context of nursing and midwifery strengthening for Universal Health Coverage.
WHO is leading the development of the first-ever State of the World’s Nursing report which will be launched in 2020, prior to the 73rd World Health Assembly.
The report will describe the nursing workforce in WHO Member States, providing an assessment of “fitness for purpose” relative to GPW13 targets.
WHO is also a partner on The State of the World’s Midwifery 2020 report, which will also be launched around the same time.
The NursingNow! Campaign, a three-year effort (2018-2020) to improve health globally by raising the status of nursing will culminate in 2020 by supporting country-level dissemination and policy dialogue around the State of the World’s Nursing report.
Nurses and midwives are essential to the achievement for universal heath coverage.
The campaign and the two technical reports are particularly important given that nurses and midwives constitute more than 50% of the health workforce in many countries, and also more than 50% of the shortfall in the global health workforce to 2030.
Strengthening nursing will have the additional benefits of promoting gender equity (SDG5), contributing to economic development (SDG8) and supporting other Sustainable Development Goals.
Nurses and midwives are essential to the achievement for universal heath coverage. 
Click here to download content https://www.who.int/hrh/nursing_midwifery/state-of-the-worlds-nursing-and-midwifery-2020-get-engaged.pdf?ua=1 

The campaign and the two technical reports are particularly important given that nurses and midwives constitute more than 50% of the health workforce in many countries, and also more than 50% of the shortfall in the global health workforce to 2030. 
Strengthening nursing will have the additional benefits of promoting gender equity (SDG5), contributing to economic development (SDG8) and supporting other Sustainable Development Goals.

Osagie Merry is a Registered Nurse of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, A penchant Entrepreneurship Enthusiast and Nurse Advocate.

Thus he has Embrace the Year 2020 not only as the year of the Nurses and Midwives but for Nursepreneurship Globally.

We hope that come 2020, We shall have more of Nursing Stake Holders In the Health Sector both in public and private health sector Globally.

Osagie Merry.
Half Oracle Half Human. 


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